
Union Find [파이썬] 547. Friend Circles 릿코드 leetcode [2]

카쿤개발자 2020. 11. 9. 21:12



Union Find 문제


Friend Circles - LeetCode

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유니온 파인드 개념: kakunblog.tistory.com/16



class Solution(object):
    def findCircleNum(self, M):
        sets = [i for i in range(len(M))]

        def find(x):
            if x == sets[x]:
                return x
            sets[x] = find(sets[x])
            return sets[x]

        for j in range(0, len(M)):
            for i in range(j+1, len(M)):
                if M[i][j] == 1:
                    sets[find(i)] = find(j)

        return sum([1 for i, v in enumerate(sets) if i == v])



다른 유니온 파인드 문제: kakunblog.tistory.com/19


릿코드 leetcode Union Find 파이썬 684. Redundant Connection

Union Find를 이용해서 풀기 유니온 파인드 개념: kakunblog.tistory.com/16 class Solution(object): def findRedundantConnection(self, edges): sets = [0] * (len(edges)+1) def find(x): if sets[x] == 0: r..
